PERSONAL DATA Name: Lance Garfield "Squeezer" Height: cm 175 Weight: kg 90 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue with yellow highlights Player: Aracus Affiliation: Taurian Concordat / Tenori Tigers Extra:
ATTRIBUTES Name Score Modifier XP Strength (STR) 3 -1 300 Body (BOD) 5 0 500 Reflexes (RFL) 7 1 700 Dexterity (DEX) 7 1 700 Intelligence (INT) 4 0 400 Willpower (WIL) 5 0 500 Charisma (CHA) 4 0 400 Edge (EDG) 3 -1 300
TRAITS (PERSONAL) Name TP XP Compulsion -1 -100 Enemy -3 -300 Equipped 2 200 Rank 3 300 TDS - Transit Disorientation Syndrome -1 -100 Vehicle Level 4 400 Wealth 1 100
COMBAT DATA Condition Monitor Standard Damage: Fatigue Damage: Stun: Unconscious: Movement (Meters per Turn) Walk: 10 Run/Evade: 20 Sprint: 40 Climb: 5 Crawl: 2 Swim: 10 Personal Armor (Loc) Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X) Armor ( 0 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 1 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 2 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 3 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Weapon Skill AP/BD Ranage Ammo Notes Martial Arts 0 __/__ ( Melee ) N/A Weapon 1 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 2 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 3 __/__ (_/_/_/_)
SKILLS Skill Level TW Level TN Complexity Links Experience Career/Soldier 2 5 7 SB INT 50 Gunnery/'Mech 4 (2) 2 8 SA RFL + DEX 120 Language/English 2 6 8 SA INT + CHA 50 Language/Spanish 1 7 8 SA INT + CHA 30 Perception 3 4 7 SB INT 80 Piloting/'Mech 4 (2) 2 8 SA RFL + DEX 120 Sensor Operations 4 4 8 SA INT + WIL 120 Small Arms 2 (1) 4 7 SB DEX 50 Technician/Electronic 1 (1) 7 9 CA DEX + INT 30 Technician/Mechanical 2 (1) 6 9 CA DEX + INT 50
BIOGRAPHY Life Module Other Notes 1 / Physical description Lots of minor scars and burns from growing up on a world in conflict and being on the run or fighting as a soldier. 2 / Concept Disenfranchised with major governments has thrown his lot in with the Tenori Tigers because Mariya seems like an honest boss along with ship captain Urst. Lance now just wants to earn his keep and get an old mech running again as a hobby project. Age: 40 XP: 5,000
INVENTORY Item Location Data/Statistics Item Backpack Dakka! C 6,000