PERSONAL DATA Name: Jake Meisner "Hopper" Height: cm 180 Weight: kg 75 Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue Player: Electrofried Affiliation: Lyran Alliance / Coventry Province Extra: STY-3C Starslayer [50]
ATTRIBUTES Name Score Modifier XP Strength (STR) 4 0 400 Body (BOD) 5 0 500 Reflexes (RFL) 5 0 500 Dexterity (DEX) 6 0 600 Intelligence (INT) 3 -1 300 Willpower (WIL) 3 -1 300 Charisma (CHA) 1 -2 100 Edge (EDG) 1 -2 100
TRAITS (PERSONAL) Name TP XP Compulsion -1 -100 Equipped 2 200 Rank 5 500 Vehicle Level 4 400 Wealth 3 300
COMBAT DATA Condition Monitor Standard Damage: Fatigue Damage: Stun: Unconscious: Movement (Meters per Turn) Walk: 9 Run/Evade: 19 Sprint: 38 Climb: 4 Crawl: 2 Swim: 9 Personal Armor (Loc) Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X) Armor ( 0 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 1 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 2 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 3 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Weapon Skill AP/BD Ranage Ammo Notes Martial Arts 0 __/__ ( Melee ) N/A Weapon 1 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 2 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 3 __/__ (_/_/_/_)
SKILLS Skill Level TW Level TN Complexity Links Experience Career/Soldier 3 (-1) 5 7 SB INT 80 Computers 1 (-1) 8 8 CB INT 30 Gunnery/'Mech 4 4 8 SA RFL + DEX 120 Interest/Any Academic Or Cultural Pursuit Or Hobby 1 (-1) 8 8 CB INT 30 Interest/Any Academic Or Cultural Pursuit Or Hobby 0 (-1) 9 8 CB INT 20 Interest/Military History 1 (-1) 8 8 CB INT 30 Language/English 2 (-3) 9 8 SA INT + CHA 60 Language/German 1 (-3) 10 8 SA INT + CHA 30 Leadership 0 (-3) 11 8 SA WIL + CHA 20 Martial Arts 3 4 7 SB RFL 80 MedTech/General 2 (-1) 6 7 SB INT 60 Navigation/Ground 3 (-1) 5 7 SB INT 80 Negotiation 1 (-2) 9 8 CB CHA 30 Perception 1 (-1) 7 7 SB INT 30 Piloting/'Mech 4 4 8 SA RFL + DEX 120 Protocol/Lyran Alliance (House Steiner)/Coventry Province 4 (-3) 8 9 CA WIL + CHA 120 Sensor Operations 2 (-2) 8 8 SA INT + WIL 50 Small Arms 2 5 7 SB DEX 50 Tactics/Land 1 (-2) 10 9 CA INT + WIL 30 Technician/Weapons 1 (-1) 9 9 CA DEX + INT 30
BIOGRAPHY Life Module Other Notes 1 / STAGE 3 MODULES: MILITARY ACADEMY Military Academy (830 XP + Field Costs) Military academies represent the finest in training for career minded characters in the military. Every major realm boasts at least one interstellar-grade military academy like House Steiner’s Nagelring on Tharkad, or the Draconis Combine’s Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy. As the place where MechWarriors learn their craft and all recruits are viewed as potential officer candidates, military academies have stricter entry requirements than simple enlistment. Prerequisite: If character did not take Prep School or Military School as a Stage 2 module, apply the following: [Attributes] WIL (+100 XP), EDG (–100 XP); [Traits] Connection (+200 XP), Reputation (–100 XP), Wealth (–100 XP) Automatic: [Attributes] STR (+50 XP), BOD (+100 XP), RFL (+125 XP), WIL (+100 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+100 XP), Rank (+200 XP); [Skills] Interest/Military History (+15 XP), Leadership (+10 XP), Protocol/Affiliation (+15 XP), Swimming (+15 XP); [Flexible XP] (+100 XP) Fields Basic (+1 year): Basic Training, Basic Training (Naval) Advanced (+1 year): Analysis, Cavalry, Infantry, Marine, MechWarrior, Pilot/Aerospace (Combat), Pilot/Aircraft (Combat), Pilot/DropShip, Scientist, Scout, Ship’s Crew Special (+2 years): Doctor, Infantry/Anti-’Mech, Military Scientist, Pilot/Battle Armor, Pilot/JumpShip, Pilot/WarShip, Special Forces [Basic Training Requires: Rank Trait, INT 3, WIL 3] [MechWarrior Requires: Basic Training Field, DEX 4, RFL 4] 2 / STAGE 4 MODULES: TOUR OF DUTY Module Cost: 800 XP Prerequisites: Must have at least one Military Skill Field. Time: +3 years Fixed XPs: [Traits] Connections (+25 XP), Choose Equipped or Vehicle (+100 XP); [Skills] Career/Soldier (+50 XP), Martial Arts (+40 XP), Navigation/Any (+40 XP), Protocol/Affiliation (+40 XP) [Attributes] +50 XP each to any two Attributes; [Traits] Rank (+50 XP), Choose Equipped or Vehicle (+50 XP), Choose Compulsion/Any Addiction or Unlucky (–50 XP); [Skills] Language/Affiliation (+15 XP), Leadership (+15 XP), Martial Arts (+10 XP), MedTech/General (+20 XP) Perception (+20 XP), +175 total additional XP (+25 XP each assigned to a maximum of seven Skills the character possesses from his Military Fields) Flexible XPs (All Tours of Duty): +100 XP 3 / STAGE 1 MODULES: WHITE COLLAR Module Cost: 170 XP Above the middle class, but still a far cry from nobility, characters hailing from white collar families enjoy a relatively pampered lifestyle and sheltered existence, but hopefully realize this means society will expect more from them in return. Prerequisites: Any affiliation; 3+ TP (total) in Wealth or Property Traits Fixed XPs: [Attributes] STR (–50 XP), BOD (–50 XP), INT (+75 XP), WIL (–50 XP), CHA (+75 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+75 XP), Enemy (–100 XP), Extra Income (+50 XP), Glass Jaw (–50 XP), Reputation (+50 XP), Wealth (+100 XP); [Skills] Art/Any (+10 XP), Interest/Any (+10 XP), Language/Affiliation (+5 XP), Protocol/Affiliation (+5 XP) Flexible XPs: +5 XP each to any three Attributes, Traits or Skills 4 / STAGE 0 MODULES: LYRAN ALLIANCE / Sub-Affiliations: Coventry Province Module Cost: 150 XP [Attributes] WIL (–50 XP), EDG (–50 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+100 XP), Extra Income (+50 XP), Wealth (+100 XP), Choose either Combat Paralysis or Glass Jaw (–100 XP); [Skills] Negotiation (+15 XP), Appraisal (+10 XP), Protocol/Lyran (+15 XP) [Attributes] WIL (+100 XP); [Traits] Compulsion/Hatred of Clans (–95 XP), Wealth (+25 XP); [Skills] Administration (+10 XP), Negotiation (+10 XP), Protocol/Lyran (+10 XP) 5 / STAGE 2 MODULES: PREPARATORY SCHOOL Module Cost: 500 XP A common alternative to high school for the children of wealthy parents, preparatory (“prep”) school paves a character’s way to many of the Inner Sphere’s most prestigious colleges and universities with an eye toward eventual influential careers in politics, law, medicine and corporate management. Prerequisites: May not have used Back Woods or Fugitive Stage 1 modules. May not possess the Illiterate Trait. Fixed XPs: [Attributes]] CHA (+60 XP); [Traits] Connections (+40 XP), Extra Income (+20 XP), Gregarious (+20 XP); [Skills] Archery (+20 XP), Computers (+25 XP), Interest/Any (+30 XP), Interest/Any (+20), Interest/Any (+20 XP), Language/Any (+20 XP), MedTech/General (+10 XP), Melee Weapons (+15 XP), Protocol/Affiliation (+40 XP) Flexible XPs: +160 XP (up to 80 XP may be applied to Traits) Age: 21 XP: 5
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