PERSONAL DATA Name: Ethan Height: cm Weight: kg Hair: Eyes: Player: Darius07 Affiliation: / Extra:
ATTRIBUTES Name Score Modifier XP Strength (STR) 1 -2 145 Body (BOD) 1 -2 160 Reflexes (RFL) 1 -2 100 Dexterity (DEX) 3 -1 300 Intelligence (INT) 4 0 400 Willpower (WIL) 3 -1 300 Charisma (CHA) 2 -1 295 Edge (EDG) 1 -2 150
TRAITS (PERSONAL) Name TP XP Compulsion -1 -75 Connections 4 465 Enemy -3 -250 Equipped 1 100 Extra Income 0 50 Fast Learner 3 300 Fit 0 65 Property 0 75 Rank 0 20 Reputation 2 200 Vehicle Level 1 100 Wealth 2 270
COMBAT DATA Condition Monitor Standard Damage: Fatigue Damage: Stun: Unconscious: Movement (Meters per Turn) Walk: 2 Run/Evade: 13 Sprint: 26 Climb: 1 Crawl: 0 Swim: 3 Personal Armor (Loc) Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X) Armor ( 0 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 1 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 2 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 3 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Weapon Skill AP/BD Ranage Ammo Notes Martial Arts 0 __/__ ( Melee ) N/A Weapon 1 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 2 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 3 __/__ (_/_/_/_)
SKILLS Skill Level TW Level TN Complexity Links Experience Acting 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 25 Administration 2 (-1) 7 8 SA INT + WIL 40 Appraisal 2 6 8 CB INT 40 Career/Soldier 1 6 7 SB INT 25 Career/Technician Electrical 3 4 7 SB INT 80 Computers 2 6 8 CB INT 60 Escape Artist 0 (-3) 12 9 CA STR + DEX 15 Forgery 0 (-1) 9 8 SA DEX + INT 15 Interest/Crypto Currency 2 6 8 CB INT 50 Interest/Mech Design 0 8 8 CB INT 15 Interest/Military History 2 6 8 CB INT 40 Interest/Solaris Games 2 6 8 CB INT 50 Interest/Solaris Nightlife 1 7 8 CB INT 25 Language/English 1 (-1) 8 8 SA INT + CHA 30 Language/German 1 (-1) 8 8 SA INT + CHA 30 Language/Japanese 0 (-1) 9 8 SA INT + CHA 10 Leadership 0 (-2) 10 8 SA WIL + CHA 20 Martial Arts 1 (-2) 8 7 SB RFL 30 MedTech/General 0 7 7 SB INT 10 Melee Weapons 0 (-1) 8 7 SB DEX 20 Negotiation 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 25 Perception 0 7 7 SB INT 20 Prestidigitation/Sleight of Hand 0 (-1) 8 7 SB DEX 15 Protocol/Lyran Alliance (House Steiner) 2 (-2) 9 9 CA WIL + CHA 45 Running 1 (-2) 8 7 SB RFL 30 Security Systems/Electronic 1 (-1) 9 9 CA DEX + INT 25 Small Arms 2 (-1) 6 7 SB DEX 50 Strategy 0 (-1) 10 9 CA INT + WIL 10 Streetwise/Lyran Alliance (House Steiner) 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 25 Streetwise/Lyran Alliance (House Steiner)/<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.affiliations.lyran_alliance.sub_affiliations.Solaris VII">Solaris Vii</span> 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 25 Swimming 1 (-2) 8 7 SB STR 30 Technician/Electronic 2 (-1) 8 9 CA DEX + INT 50 Technician/Jets 1 (-1) 9 9 CA DEX + INT 30 Technician/Mechanical 2 (-1) 8 9 CA DEX + INT 50 Technician/Myomer 1 (-1) 9 9 CA DEX + INT 30 Technician/Nuclear 2 (-1) 8 9 CA DEX + INT 50 Technician/Weapons 1 (-1) 9 9 CA DEX + INT 30 Technician/<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing:">Name</span>/<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.affiliations.weapons.sub_affiliations.Technician Military">Technician Military</span> 1 (-1) 9 9 CA DEX + INT 30
BIOGRAPHY Life Module Other Notes 1 / MILITARY SCHOOL Module Cost: 500 XP Whether by punishment or as a matter of familial pride, the character that spends his late childhood in military school comes away from the experience with a host of skills and a sense of discipline that can boost any eventual military or political career. Prerequisites: WIL 3+ Fixed XPs: [Attributes] CHA (+50 XP); [Traits] Connections (+15 XP), Fit (+15 XP), Rank (+20 XP); [Skills] Career/Soldier (+25 XP), Computers (+35 XP), Interest/Any (+30 XP), Interest/Military History (+40 XP), Leadership (+20 XP), Martial Arts (+30 XP), MedTech/General (+10 XP), Melee Weapons (+20 XP), Protocol/ Affiliation (+30 XP), Running (+30 XP), Small Arms (+50 XP), Strategy (+10 XP), Swimming (+30 XP) Flexible XPs: +40 XP (may only be applied to Skills) 2 / LYRAN ALLIANCE (HOUSE STEINER) MODULE COST 150 XP AFFILIATION Loosely patterned on feudal Germany, with other Western European influences apparent (most notably Swiss and Scottish), the Lyran Alliance—originally known as the Lyran Commonwealth—is a heavily industrialized and mercantile realm. Many Lyrans see warfare as a dirty business and simply aspire to great wealth or high social standing. As a result, the Lyran military frequently comes off as lackluster, while Lyran merchants and political leaders seem ruthlessly sharp. Primary Language German Secondary Language English, Italian, Scots Gaelic, Swedish Fixed XPs [Attributes] WIL (–50 XP), EDG (–50 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+100 XP), Extra Income (+50 XP), Wealth (+100 XP), Choose either Combat Paralysis or Glass Jaw (–100 XP); [Skills] Negotiation (+15 XP), Appraisal (+10 XP), Protocol/Lyran (+15 XP) 3 / Alarion Province [Attributes] CHA (–50 XP); [Traits] Wealth (+70 XP); [Skills] Administration (+10 XP), Interest/Any (+10 XP), Language/Any (+10 XP), Negotiation (+10 XP) 4 / BLUE COLLAR Module Cost: 210 XP The common folk of most thriving commercial or industrialized worlds, characters from blue collar families have humble beginnings, but usually receive a solid education and even some vocational insights. Prerequisites: Any affiliation Fixed XPs: [Attributes]: STR (+45 XP), BOD (+50 XP), DEX (+50 XP), INT (+25 XP), WIL (–10 XP), CHA (–10 XP); [Skills] Career/Any (+10 XP), Interest/Any two (+5 XP each) Flexible XPs: +10 XP each to any four Attributes, Traits or Skills 5 / Solaris Internship (700 XP + Field Costs)** The Game World of Solaris practically breaks all the rules when it comes to higher education. Here, anyone able to seize an opportunity—or with the right connections—can find an alternative to conventional schooling by getting in on the “ground floor” with an internship. Internships are informal, and most focus on the games in some aspect, whether learning the ins and outs of stable management, the skills of a BattleMech gladiator (without all that pesky martial discipline), or even the cutthroat world of modern journalism. Of course, the fact that these options only exist on a world rife with crime, treachery and violence has kept far more from exploiting such “opportunities” as have pursued them. Prerequisites: Character must be a resident of Solaris VII and have at least +2 TP or more in the Connections Trait. Automatic: [Attributes] CHA (+150 XP), EDG (+50 XP), Any one other (+50 XP); [Traits] Connections (+100 XP), Enemy (–50 XP), Reputation (+100 XP), Choose: Equipped (+100 XP) or Vehicle (+100 XP); [Skills] Acting (+25 XP), Interest/Solaris Games (+30 XP), Perception (+20 XP), Streetwise/Any (+25 XP); [Flexible XP] (+100 XP) Fields Basic (+2 years): Technician/Military Advanced (+2 years): Technician/’Mech 6 / Technician – Military Requires: INT 3, DEX 3 Appraisal Career/Technician Technician/Electronics Technician/Mechanical Technician/Nuclear Technician/Weapons 7 / Technician Mech Requires Tech Military Int4 Tech/Electronic Tech/Jet Tech/Mechanical Tech/Myomer Tech/Nuclear 8 / Solaris Insider Solaris VII may not be the only world where ’Mech-scale tournaments are held, but the famed Game World in the Lyran Alliance is unique in the Inner Sphere for inviting warriors from all over human-occupied space to do battle in the arenas. Whether for fortune, glory or revenge, gladiators clash almost daily in their simulated battlefields, while warrior stables compete for top slots in the Grand Tournament. Solaris insiders can make or break the deals that give hopeful champions a shot at the coveted Top Twenty, conducting a thriving business on a world where the streets overflow with crime, danger, intrigue and treachery. Module Cost: 825 XP Prerequisites: Solaris Stable Internship module required or a minimum of 200 XP in the Connections Trait to take this module. Time: +4 years Fixed XPs: [Attributes] WIL (+50 XP), CHA (+45 XP), EDG (+50 XP); [Traits] Compulsion/Gambling (–75 XP), Connections (+150 XP), Enemy (–200 XP), Fit (+50 XP), Property (+75 XP), Reputation (+100 XP), Wealth (+100 XP); [Skills] Administration (+30 XP), Computers (+25 XP), Escape Artist (+15 XP), Forgery (+15 XP), Interest/Solaris Games (+20 XP), Interest/Solaris Night Life (+25 XP), Interest/Any (+15 XP), Prestidigitation/Any (+15 XP), Security Systems/Any (+25 XP), Stealth (+20 XP), Streetwise/Solaris VII (+25 XP), +150 total additional XP (+25 XP each to six Skills from the character’s Solaris Stable Internship Skill Fields; if character does not have any such Fields, choose Skills from the Communications, Manager or Politician Fields only) Flexible XPs: +100 XP Notes: If this module is repeated, the character must also apply –100 XP to the In For Life Trait (reflecting increasing influence by a criminal or intelligence organization). The module’s cost will not change. Age: 24 XP: 2,416
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