PERSONAL DATA Name: Ronnie MacGregor Height: cm 184 Weight: kg 75 Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Dark Brown Player: OctoberRaven Affiliation: Independant / Mercenary Extra: Mercenary Brat/Military School/Military Academy/Tour of Duty (Periphery)
ATTRIBUTES Name Score Modifier XP Strength (STR) 4 0 400 Body (BOD) 4 0 400 Reflexes (RFL) 4 0 400 Dexterity (DEX) 3 -1 300 Intelligence (INT) 3 -1 300 Willpower (WIL) 4 0 400 Charisma (CHA) 3 -1 300 Edge (EDG) 3 -1 300
TRAITS (PERSONAL) Name TP XP Compulsion -2 -200 Enemy -1 -100 Equipped 1 100 Rank 1 100 Vehicle Level 8 800
COMBAT DATA Condition Monitor Standard Damage: Fatigue Damage: Stun: Unconscious: Movement (Meters per Turn) Walk: 8 Run/Evade: 19 Sprint: 38 Climb: 4 Crawl: 2 Swim: 9 Personal Armor (Loc) Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X) Armor ( 0 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 1 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 2 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 3 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Weapon Skill AP/BD Ranage Ammo Notes Martial Arts 0 __/__ ( Melee ) N/A Weapon 1 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 2 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 3 __/__ (_/_/_/_)
SKILLS Skill Level TW Level TN Complexity Links Experience Art/Music 0 (-1) 9 8 CB DEX -1 Career/Cook 1 (-1) 7 7 SB INT 30 Career/Soldier 4 (-1) 4 7 SB INT 120 Computers 1 (-1) 8 8 CB INT 30 Gunnery/'Mech 5 (-1) 4 8 SA RFL + DEX 170 Interest/Military History 2 (-1) 7 8 CB INT 50 Interest/Music 2 (-1) 7 8 CB INT 50 Language/English 1 (-2) 9 8 SA INT + CHA 30 Language/German 0 (-2) 10 8 SA INT + CHA -1 Language/Scots Gaelic 1 (-2) 9 8 SA INT + CHA 30 Leadership 1 (-1) 8 8 SA WIL + CHA 30 Martial Arts 3 4 7 SB RFL 80 MedTech/General 2 (-1) 6 7 SB INT 50 Melee Weapons 1 (-1) 7 7 SB DEX 30 Navigation/Ground 2 (-1) 6 7 SB INT 50 Negotiation 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 30 Perception 1 (-1) 7 7 SB INT 30 Piloting/'Mech 4 (-1) 5 8 SA RFL + DEX 120 Protocol/Independent 3 (-1) 7 9 CA WIL + CHA 80 Protocol/Independent/<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.affiliations.independent.sub_affiliations.Music">Music</span> 0 (-1) 10 9 CA WIL + CHA -1 Running 1 6 7 SB RFL 30 Sensor Operations 2 (-1) 7 8 SA INT + WIL 65 Small Arms 3 (-1) 5 7 SB DEX 80 Strategy 0 (-1) 10 9 CA INT + WIL -1 Streetwise/Federated Suns (House Davion) 0 (-1) 9 8 CB CHA -1 Swimming 1 6 7 SB STR 30 Tactics/Land 1 (-1) 9 9 CA INT + WIL 30 Technician/Mechanical 2 (-2) 9 9 CA DEX + INT 50
BIOGRAPHY Life Module Other Notes 1 / Inventory (I can't update the inventory slot on this) Northwind Higlanders Mechwarrior Uniform (Consists of Cooling Vest, Neurohelmet, Kilt w/ Sash, Undershirt, Plasteel Boots)(Assigned); Personal Clothes (Boots, Shirt, Socks, Kilt, Jacket); Knife; Bolt-Action Rifle; Auto-Pistol; Military Communicator; Personal Music Set w/ Audio Chip; Noteputer; Micro Power-Pack; Emergency Rations x10; Stimpatch x10; Medical Kit; 158 C-Bills Age: 21 XP: 5,000
INVENTORY Item Location Data/Statistics Item Backpack More Dakka! C 0