PERSONAL DATA Name: Ruth Wolfensberger "Babe Ruth/Bambino" Height: cm Weight: kg Hair: Eyes: Player: Columbine Affiliation: / Extra:
ATTRIBUTES Name Score Modifier XP Strength (STR) 4 0 405 Body (BOD) 5 0 500 Reflexes (RFL) 7 1 700 Dexterity (DEX) 6 0 600 Intelligence (INT) 5 0 500 Willpower (WIL) 4 0 400 Charisma (CHA) 2 -1 200 Edge (EDG) 4 0 400
TRAITS (PERSONAL) Name TP XP Bloodmark -1 -25 Compulsion -1 -50 Connections 1 100 Enemy -3 -300 Equipped 1 100 Extra Income 1 100 Fast Learner 3 300 Fit 2 200 Property 2 200 Rank 2 200 Reputation 2 200 Toughness 1 100 Vehicle Level 6 600 Wealth -1 -50
COMBAT DATA Condition Monitor Standard Damage: Fatigue Damage: Stun: Unconscious: Movement (Meters per Turn) Walk: 11 Run/Evade: 21 Sprint: 42 Climb: 5 Crawl: 2 Swim: 13 Personal Armor (Loc) Armor Type BAR (M/B/E/X) Armor ( 0 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 1 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 2 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Armor ( 3 ): (_ /_ /_ /_ ) Weapon Skill AP/BD Ranage Ammo Notes Martial Arts 0 __/__ ( Melee ) N/A Weapon 1 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 2 __/__ (_/_/_/_) Weapon 3 __/__ (_/_/_/_)
SKILLS Skill Level TW Level TN Complexity Links Experience Acting 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 25 Administration 1 7 8 SA INT + WIL 25 Career/Car Mechanic 1 6 7 SB INT 25 Career/Soldier 3 4 7 SB INT 75 Computers 1 7 8 CB INT 30 Escape Artist 1 8 9 CA STR + DEX 25 Gunnery/'Mech 6 (1) 1 8 SA RFL + DEX 200 Interest/Any Academic Or Cultural Pursuit Or Hobby 35 0 9 CA INT + WIL Interest/Baseball 2 6 8 CB INT 45 Interest/Chess Games 2 6 8 CB INT 40 Interest/Military History 2 6 8 CB INT 50 Interest/Solaris Games 1 7 8 CB INT 25 Language/English 2 (-1) 7 8 SA INT + CHA 40 Language/German 1 (-1) 8 8 SA INT + CHA 30 Leadership 1 (-1) 8 8 SA WIL + CHA 25 Martial Arts 3 (1) 3 7 SB RFL 75 MedTech/<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing:">Name</span>/<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.affiliations.general.sub_affiliations.medtec">Medtec</span> 3 4 7 SB INT 75 Melee Weapons 1 6 7 SB DEX 25 Navigation/Ground 4 3 7 SB INT 100 Negotiation 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 35 Perception 4 3 7 SB INT 100 Piloting/'Mech 6 (1) 1 8 SA RFL + DEX 200 Protocol/Minor Periphery/Rim Collection 2 (-1) 8 9 CA WIL + CHA 55 Sensor Operations 3 5 8 SA INT + WIL 75 Small Arms 3 4 7 SB DEX 65 Stealth 2 (1) 5 8 SA RFL + INT 50 Streetwise/Lyran Alliance (House Steiner) 2 (-1) 7 8 CB CHA 50 Streetwise/Minor Periphery/Rim Collection 1 (-1) 8 8 CB CHA 30 Survival/Forrest 1 8 9 CA BOD + INT 25 Swimming 2 5 7 SB STR 60 Tactics/Land 1 8 9 CA INT + WIL 25 Technician/Mechanical 1 8 9 CA DEX + INT 25
BIOGRAPHY Life Module Other Notes 1 / Clothing Underwear, Work Boots 1/1/0/1, Leather Jacket 1/1/0/1, Shirt, Leather Pants 1/1/0/1 PAJAMAS, SUNGLASSES BAR 1 VS. FLASH 2 / BLUE COLLAR Module Cost: 210 XP The common folk of most thriving commercial or industrialized worlds, characters from blue collar families have humble beginnings, but usually receive a solid education and even some vocational insights. Prerequisites: Any affiliation Fixed XPs: [Attributes]: STR (+45 XP), BOD (+50 XP), DEX (+50 XP), INT (+25 XP), WIL (–10 XP), CHA (–10 XP); [Skills] Career/Any (+10 XP), Interest/Any two (+5 XP each) Flexible XPs: +10 XP each to any four Attributes, Traits or Skills 3 / Advanced (MechWarrior) Basic Training, Dex 4, Reflex 4 4 / Basic Training (+1 year): Basic Training, Basic Training (Naval) Rank Trait, Intelligence 3, Willpower 3 5 / HIGH SCHOOL Module Cost: 400 XP Common across the Inner Sphere and Periphery—though hardly universal, as different worlds and social classes face different needs—the academic life is typical for most teenagers, preparing them for future careers in the modern work force, military service or perhaps some form of higher education. Prerequisites: Any non-Clan affiliation; may not have Illiterate Trait Fixed XPs: [Attributes] CHA (+25 XP), INT (+25 XP); [Traits] Connections (+20 XP); [Skills] Computers (+20 XP), Interest/Any (+40 XP), Interest/Any (+35 XP), Language/Affiliation (+10 XP), Streetwise/Affiliation (+20 XP), Swimming (+20) Flexible XPs: +185 XP 6 / TOUR OF DUTY Time: +3 years Fixed XPs: [Traits] Connections (+25 XP), Choose Equipped or Vehicle (+100 XP); [Skills] Career/Soldier (+50 XP), Martial Arts (+40 XP), Navigation/Any (+40 XP), Protocol/Affiliation (+40 XP) Periphery Only: [Attributes] +50 XP to any one Attribute; [Traits] Enemy (–50 XP), Toughness (+50 XP); [Skills] Interest/ Any (+20 XP), Leadership (+15 XP), MedTech/General (+30 XP), Negotiation (+25 XP), Perception (+15 XP), +150 total additional XP (+25 XP each assigned to a maximum of six Skills the character possesses from his Military Fields) Flexible XPs (All Tours of Duty): +100 XP 7 / SOLARIS VII GAMES Fixed XPs: [Attributes] EDG (+100 XP), +100 XP to any other Attribute; [Traits] Bloodmark (–25 XP), Compulsion/Gambling or any other Addiction (–50 XP), Enemy (–250 XP), Reputation (+150 XP), +300 total additional XP (+100 XP each to any three of the following Traits: Custom Vehicle, Design Quirk, Equipped, Extra Income, Property, Tech Empathy or Vehicle); [Skills] Acting (+25 XP), Administration (+10 XP), Computers (+10 XP), Escape Artist (+15 XP), Interest/Solaris Games (+30 XP), Interest/Solaris Night Life (+35 XP), Interest/Any (+10 XP), Martial Arts (+20 XP), Streetwise/Solaris VII (+25 XP), +270 total additional XP (+45 XP each to any six Skills from any Tech or Military Skill Fields the character possesses, except Officer Training) Flexible XPs: +125 XP 8 / Warhammer WHM-6R 1x Baseballbat Class:D Tech level, Class B Availability, Class C: Legality MECHWARRIOR COMBAT SUIT E/B-F-C/D 2/5/1/3 20,000/50 — 10 KG TORSO, ARMS, LEGS 1/4/0/2 BAR FOR ARMS, LEGS* NEUROHELMET, COMBAT E/B-D-B/B 2/3/2/1 1400 — 5 KG HEAD –1 TO PERCEPTION; ENCUMBERING; MAY BE SEALED IN PLASTEEL BOOTS D/C-D-C/A 4/6/4/4 175/50 — 3 KG FEET — 9 / MINOR PERIPHERY MODULE COST 75 XP AFFILIATION In addition to the larger realms, the Periphery includes an assortment of minor powers. Banded together for mutual protection and trade, some of these realms—like the Fiefdom of Randis and the Franklin Fiefs—are as tiny as a single (but well-armed) world, while others—like the icy mining colonies of the Mica Majority and the democratic realms of the Niops Association and Rim Collection—encompass a handful of worlds. Primary Language English Secondary Language Any Fixed XPs [Traits] Equipped (–150 XP); [Skills] Perception (+15 10 / Rim Collection (All Dawn) [Attributes] CHA (–50 XP), EDG (+100 XP); [Traits] Fit (+75 XP), Wealth (–50 XP); [Skills] Negotiation (+15 XP), Small Arms (+5 XP), Choose two: Animal Handling/Any, Archery, Martial Arts, Melee Weapons, Streetwise/Rim Collection or Survival/Any (+10 XP) 25 XP each to any three Attributes or Traits, or combination thereof. 11 / Military Academy [Attributes] STR (+50 XP), BOD (+100 XP), RFL (+125 XP), WIL (+100 XP); [Traits] Equipped (+100 XP), Rank (+200 XP); [Skills] Interest/Military History (+15 XP), Leadership (+10 XP), Protocol/ Affiliation (+15 XP), Swimming (+15 XP); [Flexible XP] (+100 XP 12 / Weapons DOUBLE-BARRELED SHOTGUN (SAWED OFF) B/A-A-A/B 1B/6BS 1/4/8/22 2 30/1 — 3 KG/40 G BURST 2; RECOIL –1; –1 TO ATTACK ROLL* MAG:10 RIFLE (AUTOMATIC) C/A-A-A/D 4B/4B 30/75/170/415 30 80/2 — 4.0 KG/480 G BURST: 15; RECOIL: –1* Mags:10 13 / Equipment CIVILIAN COMMUNICATOR, 10 KM (LOS), 0.2 PPH VID-PHONE: 0.1 PPH, CORDLESS “LAND-LINE” COMMUNICATOR (Local network) FIELD COMMUNICATOR; 25 KM, 1 PPH MILITARY COMMUNICATOR; 10 km, 1 PPH NOTE-PUTER PORTABLE; REQUIRES MICRO POWER PACK (0.1 PPH) POWER PACK; 20 PP MICRO POWER PACK; 15 PP Solar Recharger 45PPH Age: 25 XP: 15
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